What does the new LC Biology specification mean to teachers and students?

Humphrey Jones

A new subject specification for Leaving Certificate Biology is being introduced to Irish classrooms from next September and, while there will be familiar topics and themes, there are also some significant changes which both teachers and students need to be aware of.


New LC Biology specification

Students can expect to learn about habitats and ecosystems, various human body systems, explore how plants live and grow, examine the variety of life on Earth and how it evolved, and deep dive into the chemical that connects all living things: DNA.

However, while these topics are familiar, the focus will now shift to more modern aspects of biology and how it influences our daily lives. There have been many advances in the world of biology: our understanding of DNA and genetics has greatly expanded; so too has our knowledge of diseases and the immune system, new medical treatments, and new technologies and techniques to analyse DNA. We’ve also become more aware of the need for sustainable practices to ensure resources are maintained for future generations. Students and teachers will enjoy examining new topics; they will also challenge us to think about our place in the living world and our impact on it.

Biology is a science and science is not about remembering facts and figures – it’s a process, a way of looking at the world around us, asking questions and testing our theories. The new course places a strong emphasis on scientific skills, and students will carry out experiments, analyse data, question the ethics of biology’s recent advances and learn to critically evaluate the source of information. Teachers need to plan opportunities for students to develop these skills, as well as gain knowledge of the biological world.


The most significant change is in how LC biology will be assessed. The new course will have two forms of assessment. There will still be an exam in June of 6th Year, but the structure will be different from the current one and it will be worth 60% of the overall grade. It will likely be shorter with less choice and will assess student’s knowledge but also their newly acquired scientific skills. There may be unseen experiments, with data to analyse and students may be tasked with using their knowledge to make sense of the data, or evaluate extracts from scientific news articles.

Biology in Practice Investigation

The second aspect of the assessment, worth the remaining 40%, is called the Biology in Practice Investigation. During this year-long project, students will be tasked with designing their own experiment, carrying out the necessary research, gathering their data, analysing it and drawing their conclusions. Each student will then prepare a report on their investigation, likely to be a typed document, which will be submitted to the SEC and marked along with their June exam. Teachers will provide guidance, but students are expected to take ownership of their work. The BiP Investigation will be very similar in many ways to the Junior Cycle Science CBA 1 but with higher standards.

Yvonne Higgins-Vallely and I have carefully planned our new textbook Evolution to ensure both you and your students can smoothly navigate this new biology specification. Learn more