Language Lessons for Ordinary Level is the one-stop guide to achieving top marks in English Paper 1
Language Lessons Ordinary Level
Language Lessons Ordinary Level
Language Lessons Ordinary Level is a concise how-to approach to developing the language skills of comprehending and composing.
Why Language Lessons Ordinary Level
Improve exam success
- Practical advice on timing and recommended answer length
- Useful sample answers, graded and annotated with examiner’s comments
- Class/homework exercises in line with recent exam trends
- Clear breakdown of marks to show where points can be gained and lost
Enhance comprehending skills
- Wide range of extracts and questions from Comprehending A and Comprehending B functional writing sections
- Critical literacy promoted through close analysis of sample answers
- Detailed focus on visual literacy texts
- Unique ‘Word Power’ feature provides in-depth study of language
Improve structure, vocabulary and expression in written compositions
- Creative modelling, sample plans and prompts
- Sample essays illustrate writing skills over a range of genres
- Detailed guidelines on effective short story writing
- Essential grammar and spelling revision